Anna and Bactakleen


Anna was always a person who took great care of her health. For her, health and wellbeing was a central part of life. One day, a friend shared a wonderful story with her that changed Anna and her family's life.

Anna worked in a healthcare facility where infection prevention was a daily challenge. During flu season, hospital staff did everything they could to protect patients, but the spread of infections could never be completely eliminated. It was at this time that Anna's friend brought a new solution into the picture - Bactakleen hygiene.

Anna's friend explained to her that the Bactakleen Hygiene Procedure is not a one-off cleanse, but a long-term protection. The microscopic protective layer created as a result of the procedure remains effective for at least 8 weeks on indoor surfaces and inside air-conditioning units. Anna immediately recognised the opportunity - this solution could help prevent the infections she encountered daily in her workplace.

Anna and her family decided to apply the Bactakleen procedure at home. In addition to reducing health risks, Anna noticed that the air in her home became fresher and the odours disappeared. The cleaner and healthier environment has contributed to the well-being of the whole family.

Anna's friend told her that the Bactakleen technology can be used not only in healthcare facilities, but also in many other places such as schools, restaurants, transport and homes. Anywhere where hygiene and people's health are important.

For Anna, it was also important that the solution was environmentally friendly. She knew that the Bactakleen process was based on 100% natural ingredients and would not harm humans, animals or the environment. This way, Bactakleen not only protected her health, but also the planet.

Anna's story is an example of how Bactakleen can be at the service of human health and well-being. She shows how prevention, health and the environment can go hand in hand. If you feel that Bactakleen can help improve the quality of life for you and your family, please visit our website and contact us. Your health and the protection of our environment is our priority!